Turistička organizacija opštine Bačka Topola

Cultural Center

The House of Culture of the municipality of Backa Topola was re-founded in 1991. The founder is the Backa Topola Municipal Assembly. In the previous period, i.e. from the end of the 1970s until 1991, the organizer of cultural events on the territory of the municipality was the Center for Culture, Education and Information. With the cessation of the work of the Center, the organization of cultural events is carried out by the House of Culture of the municipality of Backa Topola.

Activities of the House of Culture

The House of Culture has a theater hall with 240 seats and a cinema hall with 223 seats. The House of Culture organizes guest theater performances as well as music concerts for children and adults in Serbian and Hungarian. Every year, it hosts municipal shows of choirs, folklore and orchestras for both children and adults. In its regular activity, the House of Culture is also engaged in showing cinema films from the regular distribution repertoire – recent productions, but sometimes we also show films of permanent and timeless value – films from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. The institution also has an exhibition hall where exhibitions of academic painters, amateur painters, ethnic associations, seminars and round tables are held.

In addition to the aforementioned, the House of Culture is also the organizer of the traditional children’s day, the initiator and main organizer of the BACKOTOPOL HONEY CARNIVAL, which we held for the first time on September 16, 2006, as part of the manifestation “Days of Backa Topola”. In the future, we want to develop this event even more by including an even greater number of participants and visitors. Our goal is for the Backotopol Honey Carnival to grow in a few years into one big manifestation of Serbia that gathers a large number of people both from our country and from abroad and to become a recognizable stamp of our municipality.

Within the House of Culture there is a Native House, a wheelwright and blacksmith workshop, a Native Archive and an Art Colony.